Tax-Advantaged 529 Accounts

According to the College Board, the most recently published figures of the average annual cost of tuition and fees at a public university for a school year was $9,970 for in-state students and $25,620 for out-of-state students. The average cost of a private university was much higher at $34,740. Thankfully, much like tax-advantaged accounts designed […]

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6 Mental Health Tips for Investors

Investing is stressful. It takes sound mental decisions to weather the ups and downs that come with the markets and investing in general. Whether you are managing your financial portfolio or making investments on the side, staying mentally healthy may assist with good decision-making. Below are a few simple mental health tips to help investors remain […]

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The Big World of Small Business: 4 Statistics Every Small-Business Owner Should Know

News headlines are often dominated by some of the world’s largest businesses—from FAANG stocks soaring to new heights to Space X planning to send rockets to Mars. But the makeup of American companies includes more than just the biggest businesses. Indeed, more than 99.9% of companies in the U.S.—32.5 million—are small businesses with fewer than […]

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After the Military: Tips for Your Financial Transition to Civilian Life

A drawdown is looming. You’re separating at the end of active service. You’ve decided to retire after a long career. No matter why you’re leaving the military, a big part of preparing for your civilian life is taking steps to proactively address the financial issues you might face. Here are some tips to help ease […]

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Have We Really Seen Extreme Pessimism Yet?

It’s been a very tough start to the year with both stocks and bonds down sharply. Adding to the “wall of worry” for investors are the highest levels of U.S. inflation in decades, an aggressive Federal Reserve (Fed), Chinese lockdowns, and continuing war in Europe. So perhaps it is no surprise that investor sentiment polls […]

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Going to the (Stock) Market: Investing Tips for Mothers

Mothers are busy people, which means saving and investing for the future can often take the back burner to more urgent priorities. Not only that, but the stock market can seem risky. During the Great Recession, the value of the average retirement account dropped greatly, by about 25%.[1] Unfortunately, if you did not start investing […]

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