What Worked In Q3

Stocks fared well during the third quarter despite September’s weakness, with the S&P 500 Index returning about 9%. The quarterly gain brought the return through the first nine months of the year to 5.6%. Here we peel back the onion on the third quarter’s stock performance to look at what worked and what didn’t. Growth beat […]

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Teaching Money Mindfulness to Your Children

At some point in a child’s development, all parents wonder: how can I best teach my child the value of money? Parents who grew up in more modest circumstances than their own children can struggle to balance the desire to provide their children with the luxuries they never had with the importance of delayed gratification. What are some tools parents can […]

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6 Months From the Low

On March 23, 2020, the S&P 500 Index closed down 2.9% for the day, bringing its total loss from its all-time high to 33.9%. The index was in the midst of its fastest bear market ever. A day earlier, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo had ordered the statewide closure of all non-essential businesses in an effort […]

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How Financial Planning Helps You Work Towards Your Self-Improvement Goals

Many self-improvement goals focus on stability and personal growth — and financial goals are often no different. From buying your first home to saving for retirement, planning your finances can also help you work toward your personal goals. Learn more about why self-improvement is so important and how good financial planning will complement the goals you’ve […]

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