A traditional IRA offers a great way to shield income from taxation while boosting your retirement accounts. Meanwhile, a Roth IRA can let you pay tomorrow’s taxes today. But how can workers who are eligible to contribute to either type of account decide where to allocate their retirement funds? Learn more about contributing to an IRA at every […]
A Quick Look at Life Insurance Needs
Have you ever wondered how much life insurance is “enough”? One general rule of thumb says that you should buy an amount equal to five to seven times your annual income. Sure, it may be a reasonable guideline, but this method does not relate life insurance needs to your personal financial goals. A better method […]
Street View: Midyear Outlook 2020
LPL Research released our Midyear Outlook 2020 last week, discussing the path of the eventual economic and market recovery. What makes this year so incredible is, as of July 21, the S&P 500 Index moved positive for the year. “From down more than 30% for the year at the March lows to green for the year, 2020 […]
Five workplace trends will shape life after lockdown
We are experiencing the biggest remote work experiment in history – but many are beginning to imagine life after lockdown. Amid unprecedented global job losses, concerns about transport infrastructure and the continuing need for workplace social distancing, governments are launching back-to-work plans. Meanwhile, the latest US research reveals that 74% of businesses want some workers to permanently work […]
What to Consider Before Making Major Purchases
Many people who diligently seek out money-saving discounts on smaller purchases may still find themselves inadvertently overspending by thousands on major purchases. Over time, this type of large-scale overspending may cut into your savings rate. What should savvy investors consider before making major purchases? Do You Need It? Even if you’re already certain that you need the item […]
Outlook 2020: The Trail to Recovery
AT THE MIDPOINT of 2020, we’re mindful that it’s been an extremely challenging year so far in the United States and around the globe. We’re in the midst of a pandemic that continues to impact all of us, our communities, and our economies. Together we’re looking ahead for new ways to face these challenges and […]
Taking Stock at the Halfway Mark
It’s certainly been a wild ride for stocks in 2020. Barely past the halfway point, the year has already brought the worst pandemic to hit the US in over 100 years, an unprecedented government-induced recession as much of the country was locked down, some stomach-churning market volatility, and massive, unprecedented stimulus from policymakers totaling several […]
How to Make Savings Last Longer in Retirement
Whether you dream of a travel-filled retirement or would prefer to relax and enjoy spending more time at home, you’re probably wondering what you can do to make your golden years as stress-free as possible. For many who have spent the last several decades in wealth-accumulation mode, withdrawing savings can trigger anxieties about the future. Some […]
How to Develop a Money Mindset That Aligns with Your Goals
Financial goals are essential. Setting them will help you to obtain the things you want out of life as well as live the lifestyle you desire, both during your working years and in your retirement. But obtaining these goals isn’t always easy unless you develop a money mindset that aligns and drives you to these goals. […]
Avoid These Financial Traps
Money. It’s hard to get and easy to lose. It doesn’t take long for the wealth you’ve accumulated to disappear if you don’t manage your money well or have a plan to protect your assets from sudden calamity. Snares like the ones mentioned below could easily threaten your financial security. Planning ahead can protect you […]