Tax tips to make sure your money is working for you, not Uncle Sam When should you file your income tax? Generally speaking, the earlier, the better, after January 1st if you expect to get a refund. If you file by the end of February, you should receive your check within six weeks. But, if you […]
Earnings Season Observations
The recent news that technology giant Apple would miss its fourth quarter 2020 revenue targets has understandably increased investor anxiety surrounding the potential economic impact of the coronavirus (now called COVID-19). Lost in those headlines is corporate America’s impressive performance this earnings season. “Companies have done an admirable job growing profits considering stiff headwinds,” said […]
Dread doing your taxes? Some tips on hiring someone to take over
I don’t have to tell you that money is a big part of our lives. But in case you doubted it, a study by the American Psychological Association says that money issues outweigh other sources of tension, including work, family and personal health concerns. One of the most stressful times for many of us is the annual […]
Closer Look At February
A late month selloff in January saw the S&P 500 Index close marginally lower for the month. But stocks have taken off in February, with the S&P 500 up nearly 4% this month, as US economic data remains strong and fears over the worst-case scenarios for the coronavirus appear overblown. Historically, February has been a […]
Tax Planning for the Self-Employed
Self-employment is the opportunity to be your own boss, to come and go as you please, and oh yes, to establish a lifelong bond with your accountant. If you’re self-employed, you’ll need to pay your own FICA taxes and take charge of your own retirement plan, among other things. Here are some planning tips. Understand […]
Planning for the 2020 Tax Season
2020 doesn’t just mark a new year, but the beginning of a new decade—and with it, some more changes to the federal tax code. It can often be easy to put tax preparation on the back burner, but being proactive can help you save time, money, and hassle. What steps can you take now to help the 2020 […]
Manufacturing on the Mend
Monday’s strong manufacturing report caught our attention, even as the coronavirus outbreak dominated the financial media. At 50.9, the Institute for Supply Management’s (ISM) manufacturing purchasing managers’ index (PMI) for January moved into expansionary territory (above 50) for the first time since July 2019. Trade-related components improved, likely signaling the positive impact of the U.S.-China phase-one […]
Viral Outbreak Ends Period of Market Calm
Fears that the deadly coronavirus would spread further around the globe intensified Monday and led to the biggest one-day drop in the S&P 500 Index since October 8, 2019. In fact, it was the first time the index moved 1% in either direction since early October—spanning 71 trading days. Not only that, but the index’s […]
Six Ways a Budget Can Help Boost Savings
At some point in your life, you probably have heard about the importance of developing a budget. But, why is a budget so important? Perhaps you simply spend what you must and save whatever’s left over. Or, perhaps you spend all you have and borrow or charge anything else that you need. In either case, […]
Recession Watch Update
As the economic expansion caps its first decade, we thought it’d be a good time to check on LPL Research’s leading indicators in our Recession Watch Dashboard. As you can see in our latest update and in the LPL Chart of the Day, the overall view hasn’t changed much. We believe we are in the later […]