Trying to Stick the Landing

Soft landing or no soft landing, that is the question, with all due respect to William Shakespeare. But while this may be the most commonly asked question these days, it may not be the most important or the toughest. That honor goes to what’s priced in. Good market forecasts are not just about the economy […]

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Brightening Outlook for International Equities

Investors got more excited about international investing late last year. Some of that was chasing better returns, as developed international equities solidly beat the U.S. over the last three months of 2022. Some was the increased popularity of value investing as mega-cap U.S. technology stocks became less in favor. The surprising resilience of core European […]

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Opportunities for 2023

Dear Valued Investor, Whether you’re one to set ambitious New Year’s resolutions or simply use the beginning of the year to reset on a few habits, there’s almost always some value in reflecting on the past year before looking ahead. The same is true for the markets. When we look back on 2022, it’s easy […]

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Nothing Says Love on Valentine’s Day Like a Spousal IRA

Looking for ways to save “I love you” on Valentine’s Day? Then you may want to consider opening a spousal individual retirement account (IRA). This gift says, “Let’s grow old together comfortably,” and shows your partner that you care about their financial wellness. Beyond that, a spousal IRA offers the following advantages. 1. Investment Opportunities […]

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Tax Consequences of Business Formation

What are the tax consequences of business formation, in general? When starting a business, you must consider a number of factors. One very important factor is taxation. Although business tax planning is a complicated area, the first step is to understand the tax consequences when the business is formed. Typically, the business owners will transfer […]

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3 Practical Time Management Tips for Investors

For many, spending more quality time with loved ones and friends is a New Year’s resolution or work-life balance goal. But for investors who are accustomed to keeping a close eye on their assets’ performance, balancing one’s “to do” list with one’s “want to do” list may be tricky. Below, we discuss three time management […]

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Will January Hit the Trifecta?

The script has been flipped in 2023. Last year’s underperformers have turned into outperformers this year, driving the S&P 500 Index up over 5% this month. The pace and composition of the rally have left many investors skeptical over its sustainability, especially amid a lackluster earnings season thus far. Of course, the market is also […]

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