A Feisty Bull-Bear Debate

The latest episode of the debate between stock market bulls and bears has gotten more interesting. For every valid point from one side, there’s an equally compelling argument on the other side. Perhaps the best reason for the debate is the uniqueness of this environment. The pandemic and its aftermath don’t come with a historical […]

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Q4 Earnings Preview: Pessimism May be Overdone

Fourth quarter earnings season is underway and probably won’t bring much good news. Lackluster global growth, ongoing profit margin pressures from inflation, and negative currency impacts are likely to translate into a year-over-year decline in S&P 500 Index earnings for the quarter. As always, guidance matters more as market participants look forward. The key question […]

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Reasons for Optimism

Dear Valued Investor, We wish you a happy New Year and hope you were able to close out 2022 with friends and family. The beginning of a calendar year is often the time when the previous year’s reflections transition to a new year’s hopes. Given the market’s continued instability during 2022 and a resulting tough […]

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Tax Tips Every Married Couple Should Know

Getting married is a joyous time, but one that comes with numerous considerations. From living arrangements to future goals, marriage may quickly change a lot of things in your life. One thing that may drastically change after your marriage is your tax status. Single filers crossing over to a new tax status may be unsure […]

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Tax Prep Checklist: Everything You Need to Be Ready for Tax Season

Regardless of whether you prepare your taxes yourself or use a professional’s services, it’s a good idea to gather the information and documentation you need well in advance of your actual tax filing date. Below, we’ve listed some key information you need when preparing this year’s taxes. Your Personal Information The personal information you may […]

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How Our Financial Wellness Impacts Us

Financial wellness studies over the past few years indicate that investors desire financial wellness. The recent pandemic, economic and inflationary conditions, changes in work-life balance, and more responsibility for financial decisions are all familiar sources of stress and anxiety for many people. Studies conclude that many factors influence our financial wellness: Personal characteristics: includes both […]

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Picking a Financial Professional in the New Year

Many financially successful people are comparison shoppers. If you’re one, you may pore over ratings in consumer magazines, read websites for reviews and compare scores of products before you buy even everyday products like coffee or toilet bowl cleaner. Yet chances are good you may not use that same care when choosing a financial professional […]

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Lessons Learned in 2022

We believe accountability and modesty are among the keys to success in this business. In striving for those qualities, LPL Research has a tradition of starting off a new year with a lessons learned commentary. We got some things wrong last year, no doubt. But those who don’t learn from their mistakes are doomed to […]

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Countdown To Investing in the New Year: 10 Questions To Ask Yourself

If one of your New Year’s resolutions involves enhancing and expanding your investment portfolio, look no further. In a true New Year’s Eve countdown tradition, ask yourself these 10 questions to help review your investment plans. 10. What’s My Investment Timeline? Not every investment is appropriate for every timeframe. Someone who hopes to retire in the […]

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A Business Plan Can Be Your Guide to Growth

Whether you’re a current business owner or a budding entrepreneur burning with the next great idea, one of the most important steps you can take on your road to success is creating a business plan. Why? A well-thought-out and well-written business plan captures your vision, illustrates it for others (including potential lenders and investors), and […]

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