Get Your Healthcare Affairs in Order as You Approach Retirement

Healthcare is one of the more difficult areas to navigate as you get closer to retirement. With so much focus on saving enough for retirement and ensuring that your investments will keep up with inflation, many people fail to square away their healthcare affairs before retirement age. However, if you want a greater chance of enjoying your retirement, getting your healthcare priorities in order sooner rather than later is critical. […]

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Solid Start to 2024

Stocks are off to a solid start in 2024. January gains are particularly enjoyable because of the old adage from the Stock Trader’s Almanac, “As goes January, so goes the year.” Nearly 75 years of historical data shows that when the S&P 500 has risen in January, the average gain for the remainder of the year has been about 12%. This January, the S&P 500 was up 1.6%. […]

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Strategizing for Success: The Parallels Between Estate Planning and a Super Bowl Game Plan

Just as a winning team meticulously plans its Super Bowl plays, individuals and families may benefit from developing a comprehensive plan for their estate. Estate planning isn’t just for the wealthy. Estate planning is a strategic move for everyone to use that helps to see your wishes honored, your assets managed, and your loved ones taken care of. Here are a few benefits of having a well-thought-out game plan for your estate. […]

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Key Financial Wellness Metrics for Near-Retirement Individuals

As one approaches retirement, monitoring your financial situation by understanding your net worth and assessing the assets and resources needed to maintain a comfortable lifestyle throughout retirement is vital. This article explores eight key financial wellness metrics individuals must monitor as they approach retirement. […]

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Protecting Your Tax Identity Doesn’t Have to Be Taxing 

When you think of identity theft, you may think of unauthorized credit card payments or new lines of credit. However, tax identity theft is one of the most common types of identity theft — and it’s also the most common fraud attempt during tax filing season.1

If your identity is stolen for tax purposes, you can find yourself waging battle on two fronts: against the identity thief and the IRS. Fortunately, protecting your tax identity doesn’t have to be difficult. Below, we explain a couple of ways you can theft-proof your ID. […]

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6 Tips for Reducing Social Security Taxes

Determining how your income impacts Social Security (SS) taxes is important for tax planning. Factors that determine how much pay SS tax you pay, depending on your circumstances, include:

If you have income from working in retirement.

If you are self-employed.

If you receive interest, dividends, or other taxable income.

You may pay SS tax if you:

File an individual federal tax return, and if your combinedincome is between $25,000 and $34,000, you may have to pay income tax on up to 50% of your benefits.

File a joint federal tax return, and you and your spouse have a combined income between $32,000 and $44,000; you may have to pay income tax on up to 50% of your benefits. If you have more than $44,000 in income, up to 85% of your benefits may be taxable.

Are married and file a separate tax return, you may have to pay SS taxes. […]

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Financial Resolutions for Individuals Nearing Retirement

Getting close to retirement is exciting, but it often brings a little worry about your financial future. The closer you get, the more you may be concerned with the rising living costs and if your finances are on track to allow you to live as planned when retirement comes. Whether your retirement is within the next couple of years or the next five, the new year is the perfect time to make financial resolutions to help you toward your retirement goals. Below are just a few financial resolutions to consider this year. […]

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Lessons Learned in 2023

Stocks defied the skeptics in a very unpredictable 2023. The Dow Jones finished at an all-time record high on December 28, and the S&P 500 came within a whisker of a fresh all-time high after the index rallied more than 20% for the year. It wasn’t only stock investors who had plenty to cheer about. […]

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5 Financial Bad Habits to Cut This Year

When it comes to financial bad habits, the most common are also well known — don’t spend too much, don’t take on unsustainable debt, and avoid living paycheck to paycheck. But what happens once you’ve implemented this advice and still aren’t getting ahead? Here are five overlooked financial bad habits that could be draining your bank account. […]

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