5 Emergency Savings Tips for Building a Financial Safety Net 

From unemployment to a sudden health crisis to a crippling accident, being financially prepared for life’s many challenges may smooth the road ahead. Whether you are just starting out or have been working toward financial health for years, there are a few key steps you may take now to help construct your financial safety net. […]

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The Facts of Life Insurance: Debunking 5 Common Life Insurance Myths 

Having a solid life insurance policy in place is crucial for any adult who has assets, a business, or a steady income. While most adults know that having a life insurance policy is a vital piece in their financial puzzle, there are many life insurance myths out there that are still believed. This inaccurate knowledge […]

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Figuring Out a 401(k) Strategy That Works for You

Everyone wants a comfortable retirement, but the road you take there will depend on your specific situation. When you invest, you assume a certain level of risk (but like everyone you’re hoping that your holdings will increase in value). One of the most challenging aspects of investing involves matching your tolerance for risk with your […]

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A Guide to Student Loan Repayment Plans: 9 Options for Consideration

In a 6 to 3 vote, the Supreme Court struck down the Biden administration’s student loan forgiveness plan denying a chance for at least 43 million eligible participants to eliminate up to $20,000 of their debt. Despite new actions announced by the White House in a continued fight to provide debt relief and support to […]

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Key Earnings Season Takeaways

Earnings season is mostly behind us with about 85% of S&P 500 companies having reported second quarter results. The high level results aren’t particularly impressive, but if we peel back the onion, the numbers are encouraging. Results and guidance probably haven’t been good enough for stocks to add to recent gains, but they have been […]

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5 Ways Senior Citizens Can Invest Their Savings

Even if you are already retired, it doesn’t mean you should stop trying to grow your savings. Inflation, unexpected medical bills, and changes to your lifestyle or family may result in the need for additional income than you initially anticipated when planning your retirement. While investing is one of the quickest ways to grow your […]

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It’s Never Too Late to Improve Your Financial Awareness 

Financial education is constantly evolving. As investments, financial priorities, and the economy change, so do financial strategies and plans. To stay on top of your retirement and ensure that you are on your way toward your financial goals, it’s vital to keep up with your financial education and awareness so that you will be able […]

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Wall Street Wisdom: Wise Words from Warren Buffett and Other Great Investors

You can learn a lot from those who have come before you. For individuals interested in investing, especially those new to it, learning and applying the wisdom from people that have found techniques that worked for them is a great strategy because their methods may also benefit you. Here are ten tips from the world’s […]

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