How to Get Your House Back-to-School Ready
Back-to-school time is notably hectic. From scrambling to buy supplies to adjusting your internal clock, it can feel like you’re being pulled in a hundred different directions. However, if you get your house in order beforehand, you’ll find that both you and your family can ease back into the school year—no matter what that looks like for you this year.
Stay on top of your family’s schedule by maintaining an up-to-date calendar that’s simple for everyone in the family to use. For kids, consider a color-coded wall calendar where they can easily see what activities they have scheduled on a given day.
Take inventory
School supply lists can be overwhelming. However, before you head to the store, take inventory of what is left over from the previous school year. If schooling from home, they may not need supplies that they typically do, so make a list based on what they may or may not need.
Create a homework space
A dedicated homework zone can be extremely beneficial, especially for those doing school online. Not only will it help your children focus when it comes to completing their assignments, you won’t have their schoolwork spread throughout the house. Consider either setting up a desk in a playroom, or utilizing a quiet area.
Meal prep to beat the morning rush
Make your mornings a little easier by prepping lunches the night before—you’ll be surprised at how much time this can save you during the day—especially if you’re also working at home. Try using kid friendly containers to perfectly portion lunches and separate different foods.
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