When to Call Me: Times to Call Your Financial Advisor
Most of us go to see professionals when we’re in trouble or during times of crisis. Think about it. We go to the doctor when we’re sick. We go see a lawyer when we have a pending legal matter. We go see a counselor when we’re feeling depressed.
As a financial advisor, unfortunately, I often hear from clients after something has happened – and sometimes I’m limited in how I can help. Sure, I can often make a situation better, but if I knew about what my clients were facing sooner, I can usually help them avoid lots of heartache and often save money.
As such, I put together a list of times when you should call me, so that I can help you as much as possible. Here are the times I want you to reach out to me, before these things happen:
Changing Jobs
There is a lot I can advise you of when you are changing jobs, besides just whether or not to roll-over your 401k. I can help you budget during your transition and when you start your new job. I can help you evaluate whether a new job offer fits within your overall long-term goals. I can help you evaluate your new company’s benefit plans and identify where you might see gaps in coverage. In addition, it is very likely that I can also help you network to your next job.
Getting Married
Most couples know that money is the #1 source of arguments in marriages. And while I don’t provide couple’s therapy, I can help you identify your joint financial goals and walk you both through the financial planning process. I won’t promise that it will eliminate all your money arguments, but I do think it might help stop some arguments from happening altogether.
Buying a House
I tell my clients all the time: your house is likely to be your largest investment and greatest asset for quite some time. And like any investment, there are risks to consider. Is this your first home, investment property or vacation home? Depending on your circumstances, there are lots of headaches I can help you avoid in the future.
Having a Baby
Interestingly, many of my clients spend hours agonizing over the color of the new nursery and very little time on financial planning matters that a baby introduces to your life. But, that’s where I can help make a list of things to think about: 529 plans, tax implications, wills, new expenses, etc.
Starting a Business
Have the entrepreneurial bug? Well, as great as starting a business can be, it can also come with a
lot of challenges – and most of them have nothing to do with money. I can help review your business plan, think through health insurance options, and determine whether you should consult or form an LLC. I can also help review your projected P&L and determine whether a SEP IRA or solo 401k makes sense. And again, I can probably help you network with similar entrepreneurs to best position you to succeed.
Getting Divorced
It’s an unfortunate statistic that everyone knows – more than 50% of marriages will end in divorce.
And while every divorce is unique in its own way, the reality is that there is usually one common theme in all divorces – it destroys retirement. And while every divorced person feels the financial impact, baby boomers suffer more – and the impact among women baby boomers is among the worse. I can help you navigate the financial complexities of divorce.
Planning for Aging Parents
Are you are considering a senior living center for your mother? Or maybe transitional housing with full-time care? Or visiting nurses? Many of my clients – often entering retirement themselves – are finding themselves in a position of helping elderly parents or relatives to manage their finances and living arrangements. There are so many things to think about, including irrevocable trusts, durable power of attorney, health care directives, as well as options for the next chapters of your parent’s life. I certainly am not an expert in all the nuances, but I can help you sort through the issues and we can develop a plan.
Family Stuff
Has your brother approached you about investing in his new business? Or maybe you are considering buying a new car for your son? Or maybe your sister needs a loan? All of these are emotional decisions as much as they are financial ones. I can help you determine what your options are financially. It could be that you simply can’t afford to invest in your brother’s new business. And knowing that can save you a lot of emotional heartache.
Planning Matters
As your financial advisor, I can help you sort through many of your major life decisions. All I need from you is a quick call or an email letting me know what’s going on. I’ll then help you think through your options, so that you can continue on your path to financial independence.
Important Disclosures:
The opinions voiced in this material are for general information only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual. To determine which investment(s) may be appropriate for you, consult your financial advisor prior to investing. All performance referenced is historical and is no guarantee of future results. All indices are unmanaged and cannot be invested into directly.
The information provided is not intended to be a substitute for specific individualized tax planning or legal advice. We suggest that you consult with a qualified tax or legal advisor.
LPL Financial Representatives offer access to Trust Services through The Private Trust Company N.A., an affiliate of LPL Financial.
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